
Redeemer Students exists to glorify God through the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

We're a group of students that love Jesus Christ and exist to praise Him! We desire to push students towards loving Christ, and to support parents as they do the same. From Fall retreats, Summer camps, serving opportunities, student-led prayer, discipleship groups, and weekly meetings, we aim to create an environment where students thrive in Christ. 

Parents and Students

Current Series

Right now, we are beginning our Fall series. High school is going through the book of Galatians. Junior high will be going through a series on the Holy Spirit. 

Counseling Info

Need Biblical Counseling? Fill out a form here: Biblical Soul Care.


Listen here:      Google  or     iTunes

Want to get connected? Make sure we have your correct information by filling out this form.

Be sure to fill out the 2024-2025 Parent Release Form (one per child)
     This form is good from June 1, 2024-May 31, 2025

Family Worship Guide

Family Worship is an important part of developing spiritual disciplines. We encourage all our families to practice what Donald Whitney outlines in his book Family Worship.

Check out this week's Family Worship Guide--based on our Summer sermon series.


Read Romans 8:12-17.

1. What does this passage teach us about the work of the Spirit?

2. How does the Spirit help us understand our adoption?

3. How does our adoption as heirs change our outlook on life as a believer?


  1. Adoration: Praise Him for His plan of redemption through Christ from the beginning of time. Praise Him for His Word as the unchanging truth to stand upon in the current confusion of our world. Praise Him for His common graces He gives to us each day through creation.
  2. Confession: Confess to the Father the ways you have chosen to believe the lies of this world. Confess the ways you have turned to your own desires and failed to acknowledge His presence in your life. Ask the Lord to reveal hidden sins within your heart.
  3. Thanksgiving: Thank the Lord for providing Christ to humbly live and die in our place. Thank Him for His sufficiency and for providing our daily needs on earth. Thank Him for the power of the Holy Spirit & the Armor of God to help us fight the evil all around us. 
  4. Supplication/requests: Pray for evangelistic opportunities and pray for the non-believers in your life that God would save them. Pray for God to help you be completely dependent upon Him for all things. Pray for God to protect your steps and help you see your sin clearly. 


Sing/Listen to the hymn of the month. 

Serving in Students

Join our Team

Are you interested in joining our team to serve in Student Ministry? Are you 18 years of age or older? Please fill out the following form and we will be in touch:

    Volunteer Form 18+



Want to learn more from Pastor Gabe? Check out his sermons on: 

    Google  or     iTunes

Spotify Playlist

Check out our curated list of music just for Student Ministry. Want to know what we're singing for Student Worship? Check it out!

     redeemer students playlist

Additional resources


Find encouragement and godly parenting tips via our blog page above. 

Visit our PARENTING PAGE for even more resources!


1. What does a typical night at youth group look like? 

Wednesday nights start at 6:30pm. However, students can come earlier around 6pm to mingle and chat before we start. Once it starts, we head into the Student Center for announcements and then have worship. Following this, the high school students hear their sermon and the junior high students are sent to do journals or play in the gym until the first sermon is done. Afterwards, the high schoolers will go to their small groups until the end of the night. During this time, the junior high students will listen to their sermon. After the junior high students finish, they head into small group time. Students are then welcome to stay later, and we usually keep the gym and lobby open to hang out and mingle until 9:45ish. 

2. What do small groups typically look like?

Small groups usually last between 15-45 minutes depending on how long the sermon is and how attentive the students remain each week. Leaders will ask questions pertaining to the sermon and try to engage the students to ponder and answer the questions honestly. The point of small groups is to bring accountability and intentionality. The leaders desire to point the students towards Christ and engage their hearts to hear the truth. We exist to proclaim Christ and the good news of life through Him. 

3. What is the motivation or purpose of student ministry?

Redeemer Students exists to proclaim the gospel in order to present students mature in Christ (Col. 1:28). We desire to build a ministry that is part of the church to point and guide students towards Christ. Our aim is to please the Lord through this ministry and provide tools for these kids to grow in the Lord. However, this is a supplement alongside church, not a substitution for a healthy church body where you can worship alongside believers of all different ages. 

4. Who oversees Redeemer Students?

Pastor Gabe Whittaker has recently taken over the Students ministry from Pastor JT Stead, who has moved to our Equipping ministry. Now Pastor Gabe heads up our ministry, helping it grow and flourish through teaching and shepherding the students' hearts towards Christ. Alongside him, works his intern over junior high ministry, Daniel Ekberg, and his Administrative Assistant, Keziah Rynne, to help manage events and communicate with families involved in the ministry. 

5. Does the youth group provide outside events?

Yes! We love having fun game nights, holiday celebrations, and extra times to mingle. Specifically each year, we provide the Rooted Fall Retreat, a Girls Night event for all the girls, a special guys night, and Summer Camp for all students. These special events are an extra cost, but a wonderful way to provide fellowship, build trust, and cultivate lasting friendships. 

6. How do you go about choosing leaders? Are they safe to be leading the students?

When choosing leaders, many of them have already grown up in the ministry or been a part of the church for quite a while. They usually come to us and fill out a form to join the team. We then meet with them and ask questions to get to know them better. Then we have them go through a thorough background check to make sure they are safe to watch the students. Before we approve, we have to make sure all is clear for them to proceed. We do have a clear process and make sure we see fruit and understanding of the gospel in their lives before they lead the students. 

7. What are prayer journals?

Prayer journals are a way to help our leaders communicate with the students in a personal format. Students are asked questions and then write responses to them in the journal. This allows the leaders to take them home to respond and pray for each of the students throughout the week. It creates a reminder for the leaders to pray and a place for all the students to open up about themselves in a different context. 

8. What does worship look like?

Worship is 15-20 minutes where we sing approximately three songs. We love having our students involved in the band so many of them are our own high school students and some of our leaders. We try to make this a time without distractions to praise our Heavenly Father in an honoring way. Our desire is to bring God glory and help the students' hearts be ready to hear the Word of God preached. 

9. What do I do if I need financial assistance for Summer Camp or the Rooted Retreat? 

We offer financial assistance for anyone who needs it via one of our forms. We ask that you   Keziah Rynne to request this form and fill it out. 

10. What are First Wednesday's of the month? 

On the first Wednesday of the month, our church gathers together for All-Church Prayer from 7-8pm. Before this, we offer a special time for the students to enjoy pizza, drinks, and chicken nuggets with one another. Then, we have a teaching where we read & discuss specific topics from the talk. 

11. How can I get more information and important updates?

Sign up for our weekly church email! Follow the link here: I want to receive updates!

Featured Events

summer camp 2025 - SAVE THE DATE!

June 20th - 24th
A 5-day retreat to Crossings Camp in Kentucky for those going into 7th grade through graduating seniors! Sign-ups coming soon.


Student Ministries Team

Pastor Gabe Whittaker

associate Pastor: students

Read his bio here (coming soon) or email him .

Keziah Rynne

Discipleship Ministries Admin

Reach Keziah by email with any questions