Global Missions

The mission of Redeemer Church is to declare Jesus and develop Jesus followers. Our obedience to this mission is the foundation of every Redeemer ministry.

To that end, we have outreach efforts locally and globally, as well as resources for those interested in adoption.

For a deeper understanding of our heart and guiding processes for missions view our:

  Philosophy of Missions   Financial Support Policy   

Relief Efforts

Redeemer Church is aligned with the North American Mission Board’s (NAMB) Send Network, planting churches like Redeemer South across North America. Send Relief is a branch of NAMB which focuses on disaster relief world-wide. 

We will update here with opportunities to give as needs arise. 

Missionaries & Global Organizations

Harvest Chennai, India | Paul & Molly

We have the awesome privilege of partnering with Paul and Molly (last name removed for privacy) as they minister at Harvest Bible Chapel in India! Harvest Chennai launched in October 2013 with over 500 people at their first Sunday service. In June 2015 we were able to help them move into their new building. In addition to church planting, Paul and Molly are taking care of their 22 kids, 19 of whom were rescued from infanticide. Considered a burden in a dowry-driven pagan country, "throw-away girls" are killed at birth to rid her parents of the curse of being who they are: female. Nineteen girls, rescued from this cruelty, now have a family and a home in Paul and Molly.

Czech Republic | Matt & Sara Titus

In 2004 Matt and Sara Titus spent a year in the Czech Republic. They returned from that trip with a strong sense that God was calling them to serve Him full-time as church planting missionaries. Eight years later, in August 2012, God returned Matt and Sara (along with their five children) to the Czech Republic, working with TEAM to fulfill this calling. Church planting in the Czech Republic is done through evangelistic English classes, English camps, and other outreach programs. As people decide to follow Christ, they begin to meet and worship together as a new church.

Aquila Initiative

We began partnering with the Aquila Initiative in 2020. Founded in 2016, Aquila’s vision is to establish a network of like-minded churches who partner together in church multiplication. Through one of our members, we had a previous relationship with David Martin, one of the founders of Aquila. David began a church revitalization work at International Baptist Church of Cologne, Germany in 2013. In 2016, he helped found Aquila; in 2016, IBC Cologne planted IBC Bohn, Germany, which is now a self-sustaining church. In 2021, IBC Cologne planted the German-speaking church, IGK, in downtown Cologne. IBC Cologne plans to plant a church in Aachen, Germany, in 2025, possibly led by an Aquila apprentice and formed with a core team of marketplace missionaries developed by Aquila. 

Faith Comes by Hearing

We partner with this ministry because we share a commitment to evangelism and the Bible as God’s inspired and authoritative Word. The mission of Faith Comes by Hearing is to record and provide the Word of God in every language that needs it. As of February 2024, the ministry has created an audio Bible in 1,996 languages and it aims to provide an audio version in every translated language in the world by 2033.

Faith Comes By Hearing was founded in 1972 as Hosanna, and changed its name to Faith Comes By Hearing in 1995. The ministry launched its app: in 2010 and joined other ministry partners in Oral Bible Translation work in 2016.

Geneva Bible Institute | David Niblack

The Geneva Bible Institute serves students in a French-speaking area of Switzerland, equipping them for ministry in French-speaking churches across France, Belgium and Switzerland. In 2020, David Niblack began serving as director (president) of the school. Niblack is the brother of one of our elders' wives. Geneva’s program combines classroom training with hands-on work in local churches and communities. Geneva’s vision of offering Gospel-centered training that combines theory and practice in service to local churches is a perfect match with Redeemer’s vision to multiply courageous Jesus followers and churches around the world.

Compassion International

We have partnered with Compassion International to fund and support a Compassion Center in Bolivia. One of the ways we can continue supporting this ministry is by sponsoring children who are coming to our Compassion Center, and in the surrounding area.

Sponsorship costs $43 a month and helps care for children until they are between 18 and 22 years old. Please consider sponsoring a child with us through Compassion, as we join together to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.