Kids Camp
June 9-12, 2025
Registration is coming soon!
For Kids Entering K-5th Grade

Countdown to Kids Camp

Redeemer Kids is excited to invite you to Kids Camp, Monday, June 9 - Thursday, June 12, followed by Family Fest on Friday evening. Each day we’ll have exciting activities and competitions, funny skits, engaging crafts, delicious snacks, and interactive teachings. We’re looking forward to a week full of movement and adventure as we learn about God restoring what was lost...from the Wild West back to Paradise. And it's free!

We will offer two identical camps: a morning camp (9-11:30am) and an afternoon camp (1-3:30pm). You can choose to have your kids attend the same camp or have them attend at different times. Kids Camp 2024 (Kingdom Defenders!) was a blast! Watch our recap video below:

Order Camp Shirts Here


9-11:30am; FREE!

Arrive by 8:30 if you need to register (walk-in).



1-3:30pm; FREE!

Arrive by 12:30 if you need to register (walk-in)


Event Highlight: Family Fest

Celebrate the culmination of Kids Camp at the Rivets Stadium! Get a glimpse into your child's week through a skit, worship, and a brief teaching. There will be concessions, yard and field games, bouncy-houses, and activities for the whole family. There will even be a meet and greet with the characters from Kids Camp.

Learn More

Kids Camp 2025 Extra Info


Can I sign my child up for both camps?

No. Due to space, we ask that you only sign your child up for one camp.The only exception is if the parent is volunteering at both camps.

How early can I drop off my child?

Drop off begins 15 minutes before camp (8:45am or 12:45pm, respectively).

why is there no kids camp on friday?

Kids Camp will run Monday-Thursday only this year so that on Friday, our volunteers can focus on preparing for an amazing Family Fest that will take place Saturday evening at Rivets Stadium. 

How will food allergies be monitored?

Please note any and all food allergies when you register. Children who have indicated food allergies on their registration will have a notable marking on their name tag. Our awesome snack team will monitor allergies and provide allergy-free options to the best of their ability. 

What measures are put in place for the safety of our children?

We take the safety of your kids very seriously. Every volunteer and staff member (18 and older) must have a background check completed before volunteering at Camp. We also provide volunteer training to ensure our safety measures are known and implemented. If you have questions on specific policies, please reach out to Redeemer Kids Director, Elizabeth RozsaPastor Alex or Matthew Bloomquist and we would be happy to answer any questions. 

What if I need to contact my child while they are at Kids Camp?

If you need to get in touch with your student during camp, please call the church office at (815) 986-2603. 


I would like to volunteer, where do I sign up?

click here to volunteer

I'm not able to volunteer the week of camp, can I help in another way?

Yes! There are several ways to help:

  • Decor help ahead of time
  • Preparing teacher (and other) materials ahead of time
  • Pray
  • Lunch/snacks
  • Set up the Sunday/week before Kids Camp
  • Help tear down after camp
  • Help with the Family Fest
Do you offer childcare for the younger children of volunteers?

Yes, we offer childcare for infants-preschool age children of any volunteers serving the week of camp. When you fill out the volunteer form, there is a place at the end to register your infants-preschoolers.

time requirements for volunteering for the morning, afternoon or both camps:

MORNING camp runs from 9:00 - 11:30am. AFTERNOON camp runs from 1:00 - 3:30pm. If you are volunteering, you are asked to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time. If you are serving at both camps, lunch will be provided for our volunteers between the camps.

are middle school kids allowed to volunteer?

Yes! They are allowed to help, however, please be aware that we have a policy in place for middle school volunteers. Click here for policy. We also ask that any middle school student volunteering be with a parent while serving.