
Giving to MULTIPLY

Thank you for your desire and commitment to give to MULTIPLY! Giving to MULTIPLY officially began on November 17, 2024 and will run through December of 2026. When you give to MULTIPLY you are giving to the general Redeemer Church budget, and when you give to Redeemer, you are giving to MULTIPLY.  They are one in the same!

To learn more about this 2-year expression of our mission and vision, visit MULTIPLY

Growing in Generosity

The MULTIPLY vision is big, and it can only happen when we all participate together. As you look at the guide below, we want to challenge you to find the level of giving you’re currently at, then pray and consider moving up a level. We know this is only possible with God. We are trusting Him to provide, and we are asking you to join us! In Matthew 6:21, Jesus says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” and 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says, “The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. That is our prayer for all who call Redeemer Church home – to have a heart for what God is doing here, and to give to it bountifully with a cheerful heart. If we are growing in Christ we should also be growing in generosity. 

Whether you are considering giving for the first time, or you have faithfully given for years, we believe there is a step you can take to grow in generosity. As we move from First Time Givers to Kingdom Priority Givers, we not only increase our giving, but also our Kingdom impact. We want to equip you to grow in generosity, so we’ve put together this guide for you to pray through, and consider what next step God is calling you to take. We celebrate every step you take in obedience to Christ:

Growing in generosity always begins with a first step. Taking that first step is never easy, but required if you are going to grow. If you have never given before, take your first step by giving today.

If you have given something in the past, but done so inconsistently, oftentimes your next step is to begin giving regularly. A great way to move from giving occasionally to giving consistently is to set up a recurring gift.

The Consistent Giver has taken steps to give regularly. They are committed to the act of giving. At this stage, the next step of growing in generosity is to give in a way that reflects the generosity we have been shown through Christ.

Tithing simply means a tenth. Giving a tithe was a law in the Old Testament and has been a pattern for Christians throughout church history. Although we no longer live under the Old Testament law, we believe the principle of setting aside the first fruits, or 10% of our income is a great starting point for cheerful generosity.

When we move into this kind of generosity, we continue to choose God’s kingdom over our own comforts. The Kingdom Priority Giver is someone who stewards all their resources with eternity in mind and intentionally leverages their wealth for His kingdom.

As we look forward to commitment Sunday on November 3, we encourage you to look over this giving matrix and begin thinking and praying about what God is calling you to do in this season of expanded giving.
Giving Matrix
This matrix is based on historical giving patters of both Redeemer Church and churches with similar demographics. God can provide in any way He chooses. This matrix shows one way the vision could be funded. Prayerfully consider what level you are able to commit to over the next two years: 


Our Benevolence Ministry exists to help those who have come into a hard place and need a helping hand. If you are in need of financial assistance, please fill out this application and submit it to   To learn more please see our guidelines here. To give to benevolence, select the benevolence option in the dropdown: 

give to benevolence

More Ways to Give

Giving online through myRedeemer

You may give a one time or automated/ongoing gift using myRedeemer. You can sign up here if you don't yet have an account. 

Giving through cash, check or money order

Cash, checks or money orders can be given during services, dropped off at the church office, or mailed to 5501 Windsor Rd. Loves Park, IL 61111. 

Giving of other assets 

For information on how to give non-monetary gifts to the church (e.g. stocks and securities), CLICK HERE.

To give real estate, a gift from appreciated assets, or to leave a legacy gift in your will or trust, please contact the office


Credit Vs. Debit

CREDIT VS. DEBIT Would you consider making your online gift via ACH (direct debit from your checking or savings account) verses credit? Credit cards apply a 3% fee to the church with each transaction. ACH gifts assure more of your gift be applied directly to Redeemer Church.